
We are always looking for ways to share Christ's love and compassion with our community and our world.

In addition, we take seriously the call to care for one another in our daily lives, sharing one another's burdens, providing support in times of need, and offering mutual forgiveness.

In times of need, both the pastor and members of the congregation want to be called on to express love and support through visits and other tangible means. We recognize and honor together transitions in life that bring joy and sorrow.

Every month we collect a different item for our yearly Operation Christmas Child mission. And every fifth Sunday is Mission Sunday, where we collect our 2¢ a Meal offering and donations for Love, INC. of Hamilton County.

Below is a list of some of the ministries we are a part of and/or support:

Presbyterian Church (USA)

St. Augustine Presbytery

St. Augustine Mutual Mission

Love, INC.

Operation Christmas Child

Girl Scouts